Has Impostor Syndrome Gotten Worse Since the Pandemic Began?

Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD
2 min readNov 11, 2021
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Have you given much thought to Impostor Syndrome? It’s that feeling that you don’t really belong, aren’t really worthy or skilled, or that you’ve only gotten lucky when it comes to your successes. Many people suffer from Impostor Syndrome, but based on some of my recent conversations, I wonder if might have gotten worse for many of us since the pandemic began.

It makes sense that it would. We’ve been home for long stretches of time hiding behind our screens and devices, seeing people far less over the past few years. It’s only natural that we’d start to feel less confident in social situations as well as high stakes interactions.

While hanging around in sweatpants does increase our comfort, you have to admit that it doesn’t do a lot for our confidence. So, it’s logical that self-doubt would begin to creep in over time.

The good news here is that we can change our mindsets and begin to reverse any pandemic-related feelings of Impostor Syndrome. To do so, here are a few of my favorite tips:

  1. Go to a business or professional event (in person). Whether you realize it or not, somewhere deep down, you probably really miss these live experiences. When you are surrounded by a group of professional people, you tend to feed off of their energy and soak in their confidence. Go…



Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD

I'm a Business Mentor, Writer/Ghostwriter, Corporate Trainer, Curriculum Consultant, TV host and Author: https://www.ownyourother.com