Are You an Early Adopter?

Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD
3 min readSep 1, 2022
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

You’re probably familiar with the marketing terms referring to the category a person falls into in terms of the stage at which they’re willing to adopt a new product or service. These categories include innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. An innovator is someone who is one of the first to adopt a new product or idea. This category includes a really small percentage of people, typically less than 2%. Innovators are willing to take a risk and be the first ot buy a product (despite the risk/cost). In fact, they love being first.

Early adopters come next. They are influenced by thought leaders and innovators and are willing to jump on board towards the early end of adoption. They like to have the latest products and services. The early majority is the next category, and consists of those who are still on the earlier end of product adoption but act with more consideration (after the innovators and early adopters). They don’t adopt new products before the average consumer.

The late majority are those who may be a little more reluctant to try something new, and only adopt a new product after a lot of other people have already done so. Finally, laggards are those who are somewhat stuck in their ways and will be the last ones to adopt.

You may be wondering what the category that you fall into says about you. Innovators…



Charlene Walters, MBA, PhD

I'm a Business Mentor, Writer/Ghostwriter, Corporate Trainer, Curriculum Consultant, TV host and Author: